
Ski touring

Ski mountaineering in Trentino: snow safety and events with Outdoor Safety First mountain guides

Ortovox Safety Academy, Paganella Safety Night, and ski touring lessons with the Mmove mountaineering school

  • Arco
  • 20.12.2022
  • How to

Giorgia Consolini

Trekking, bike and ski touring

Ortovox e Mmove

In partnership with Outdoor Safety First and Mmove

È nel silenzio dei boschi e nelle vallette solitarie dove non arriva la seggiovia che si trovano la neve più bella e il contatto puro con la montagna. Battere la traccia con le pelli di foca, scegliere la linea e galleggiare nella neve fresca riportano all’essenza dello sci e ci fanno sentire liberi e vivi. 

In the silence of the forests and in lonely little valleys where the chairlift doesn’t arrive, you will find the most beautiful snow and pure contact with the mountain. Beating the track with seal skins, choosing the line, and floating in the fresh snow brings us back to the essence of skiing and makes us feel free and alive. 

Ski touring requires effort, technique, and preparation, but the gratification is immense. 

Whenever we move into the environment, off-piste, and snowparks, we must be able to assess the risk of avalanches continually. Careful planning of the outing, good behaviour during the excursion, and plenty of experience are the foundations that help us recognize potential dangers and mitigate risks.

Risk mitigation passes through information and self-responsibility. And it is only with awareness that risks are reduced and emergencies avoided.

The awareness-raising project Outdoor Safety First, founded by Alpine Guide Mauro Girardi, is a natural incubator of good safety procedures that aims to mitigate environmental risks and promote a safety culture in all its aspects.

For the winter season, MMove, Mauro’s mountaineering school, is organizing the Ortovox Safety Academy, the Paganella Safety Night, basic and advanced ski-mountaineering lessons to help beginners and enthusiasts reduce risks and enjoy the magic of the snow away from the hustle and bustle of the ski slopes.

Ortovox Safety Academy

Ortovox produces outdoor clothing, backpacks, avalanche rescue systems, and equipment. Always focused on the promotion and culture of safety in winter activities, Ortovox has been part of the Outdoor Safety project since 2017. 

The Ortovox Safety Academy, with its avalanche courses, is considered the world’s largest avalanche prevention training initiative; it provides safety training and training on ARTVA (avalanche transceiver) devices for both beginners and advanced users.

Training Basic

Ortovox Saefty Academy
© Ortovox

ARTVA, shovel, and probe are indispensable life-saving tools, yet without sound knowledge of how to use them, it would be like not having them with you. This one-day course is designed for those confronted with the risk of avalanches for the first time and those who already have good experience in the field but wish to refresh their knowledge. 

During the course, you will learn about and use emergency avalanche equipment and the right strategy to intervene quickly and effectively and rescue your companions. You will also know what to do in the event of an avalanche release by training yourself to search for the avalanche victims with the ARTVA. You will also understand how to use the avalanche probe and shovel correctly.

Book the Basic Training

Tour and Training Basic

Ortovox Saefty Academy
© Ortovox

By participating in this second two-day avalanche course, you will learn how to correctly use emergency avalanche equipment so that you know how to intervene if an avalanche overwhelms one of your companions. You will also learn to thoughtfully plan your route and apply theory in an alpine environment.

The second day is entirely dedicated to ski mountaineering. The lesson will take place directly in the snow. Together with the mountain guides, you will review the knowledge you have gained about route planning and apply it in the field. 

You will also learn how to track safely, begin to recognize the presence of danger spots, and assess them according to conditions. Finally, you will learn helpful strategies for making the best decisions in various circumstances.

Book the Basic Tour and Training

Tour and Training Advanced

Ortovox Saefty Academy
© Ortovox

The third course of the Ortovox Safety Academy lasts 2.5 days and is designed for ski mountaineers and free-riders who have already made their first off-piste experiences, are familiar with emergency avalanche equipment, and would like to deepen their basic knowledge.  

During the course, you will learn how to independently select and plan a route according to snow conditions and the group’s ability. During the outing, you will train yourself to recognize potential danger points in the terrain, assess them and estimate the avalanche risk, thus practising making the right decisions and taking appropriate measures. In this way, you will be gradually introduced to an independent and responsible form of ski touring.

Book the Advanced Tour and Training

Paganella Safety Night

Paganella Safety Night
© MMove

Safety Nights are promotional evenings to learn about and use Ortovox avalanche self-rescue systems and equipment. 

The evenings are open to experts and non-experts who want to become familiar with or hone their technique in avalanche self-rescue’s delicate but vital operations.

During the two hours, you will try out several searches in the ARTVA field set up by the Alpine Guides at the intermediate station of the Funivia Paganella 2001 cable car in Loc. Dosson.

Bring your self-rescue equipment to learn how to use it better.

During these evenings, you will also be able to try the new and innovative ARTVA – Diract Voice devices by Ortovox. The Diract Voice is the world’s first A.R.T.VA device with full voice navigation, which in the event of an emergency, leads you quickly and reliably to the location of your lost companions.

The Safety Nights are organized and designed by the MMove and Activity Trentino mountaineering school with the support of Dolomiti Paganella, Paganella 2001, and Paganella Rifugi.

The proceeds will be donated to the Dolomiti Open association for the “Forgotten Crag.”

Ski touring lessons with Mmove Mountain Guides

Lezione di scialpinismo con Mmove
© MMove

Mmove also offers ski touring lessons, at basic and advanced levels, to try out the most beautiful ski mountaineering itineraries in the mountains of lower Trentino, in the Brescia area, and the pre-Alps of Bergamo.

During the basic lesson, you will learn how to move correctly on skis, use seal skins, and learn about self-rescue tools and techniques.

During the advanced class, on the other hand, you will improve your technique both uphill and downhill, understand how to choose the safest route, and make better use of self-rescue systems and equipment.

Good physical preparation is required to climb, without haste, from 6 to 800 meters in altitude difference and to know how to ski on a blue piste with parallel skis.

If you lack the equipment (skis, boots, skins, ARTVA, shovel, and probe), you can rent it in a shop affiliated with Mmove. 

Book your ski mountaineering lesson

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The new section: courses and excursions tested for you by the team of 360gardalife

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