

Kitesurf at Lake Garda

The winds, the spots, the schools and the lift service

Here you will find

Why is the Garda the kitesurfing mecca of Europe?

The answer is easy: the wind.

It was amazing to see the wind come from both directions and know that this happens on a regular basis! I do not know a place that you can predict kiteboarding with two wind directions in one day. Yes if you are in Europe and not near the ocean or beach this place is great; it is hard to find places that are land locked with good wind. It is really unique and great to kite in this spot.”

Aaron Hadlow

Learn more

Ora and Pelér: the main winds of Lake Garda

The Pelér is the strongest wind, it blows from north to south, it starts at dawn until mid-morning and increases its intensity while moving to the south. The Ora replaces the Pelér late in the morning or during the early afternoon and blows until the evening. With its light/average intensity in Malcesine it is a regular wind that increases its intensity while moving to the north.

If you are interested in knowing them well, here we tell you some more about the winds of Lake Garda.

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peler al lago di garda
Take me to the courses

Spots for kitesurfing and the lift service at Lake Garda

On Lake Garda there are only two places run by local clubs where you can go out independently. The first place is Navene (near Malcesine) on the east coast just below the border with Trentino; the other is Campione on the Lombardy coast of Garda. If you want to go out here and use their services, you will have to join one of the local clubs.

Alternatively you can go out using the lift service, a sort of back and forth ride organized by the schools that will take you where there are the best wind conditions.

If you already know how to kitesurf and want to know more, here are some more details about the spots and the lifts at Lake Garda. There are also some tips from the locals.


Casa Marinella 360gardalife
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Hotel Maximilian 360gardalife

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Kitesurf courses and lift service on Lake Garda

Book a lift and let them take you to where there is the best wind or sign up for a kitesurf course to learn fast and have fun with the Garda winds.

Kitesurf schools on Lake Garda

Let the professionals help you in finding the right course for you, which equipment to rent or where to go with the lifts to find the best wind.

Kitesurf shops at Lake Garda

Clothing, accessories and equipment in the kitesurf shops of Lake Garda.

Accommodation for kitesurfers on Lake Garda

Wetsuit drying areas, kitesurf storage and courses booking? Find out where to sleep at Lake Garda and which services are designed for you.

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