

Spots for freestyle on Lake Garda

Where to windsurf and the tips from the locals


Max Loncrini


Giacomo Milani

Windsurf, mountain bike and paragliding

Here below we name the spots for freestyle windsurfing with north and south wind. You will also find our tips about winds and the right equipment.

On a normal weather day on Lake Garda you will find the Pelér, the north wind of the morning that then gives place to the Ora around mid/late morning. The Ora is south wind which blows until the evening. The average of windy days in a year is very high and this is why Lake Garda is considered as one of the best European spots for windsurfing.

Retelino (Big Car Park)


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On the eastern side of Lake Garda, 1km north of Malcesine. Here is where you will find a wide parking lot with a comfortable meadow to put your equipment together. Normally the Peler blows and lasts for about 4 hours with an average speed of 20/25 knots. The normal equipment is freestyle and freestyle/wave boards between 90 and 110 litres of volume with sails between 4.5 and 5.5 m.

In the morning I prefer Malcesine because of Peler, while in the afternoon I surf at Pier when Ora starts blowing. In Malcesine with strong wind, tacking on the right: perfect to jump and get out. Sometimes when the wind is really, really strong, I make some jumps that usually can be made only on the sea, with the Back Loop. We have fun like children.

Fabio Calò

Beach of Assenza

On the eastern side of Lake Garda, in Brenzone sul Garda. During heavy storms in summer, the Peler can increase up to 35/40 knots.

When the there is a northerly storm wind, better move south of Malcesine to Assenza, to the beach located in front of the Trimelone Island. Here you will find a bigger and more fun wave.

windsurf freestyle on lake garda
Gale on Lake Garda in front of the Island with Fabio Calò

Pra de la Fam

The harbour of Tignale, aka “Prà del la Fam” or “the Prà” is the most renowned of the west coast for the north morning’s wind.

Unlike other spots along east coast such as Malcesine where the Peler blows from early in the morning, at Prà you have to wait until the sun arises before the spot starts to work. Therefore it is best to surf here on clear days as on cloudy sky days the wind does not come into the coast.

The spot works all year long but is during half season that it gives its best when, thanks to sun exposure, it rewards you with mild temperatures. Once in the water an ancient LIMONAIA at the feet of the wall and the small waterfall on the right will capture your attention.

Normally you go out on freestyle equipment with boards of 90/100 liters and sails from 4.0 to 5.0 m. The only problem is the lack of parking so it’s better to come very early especially during the week ends.


Is located on the eastern side of Lake Garda, a few km after Malcesine. The Ora blows constantly in the clear summer days.

You will find quieter conditions to learn or improve your technique. Windsurfers use freestyle equipment with boards around 120 liters and sails of 7m or higher.

The Pier

It takes its name from the hotel and lies on the western side of Lake Garda, on the border between the province of Brescia and Trento.

In this part of the lake the Ora increases its intensity and the zone is very popular with windsurfers and sail boats. Sometimes due to races it can be very crowded.

The best period to go out at Pier starts with the first icy hours in spring until end of June. But it is not difficult to have some beautiful sessions even during the rest of the summer.

You go out with freestyle boards of 100 liters and sails between 4.5 and 5.5 mq.

In the morning I prefer Malcesine because of Peler, while in the afternoon I surf at Pier when Ora starts blowing. Freestyle was born here, at Pier, with the first King of the Lake competition in 1996. This is the spot on the Lake where Ora blows more intensely: the freestylers paradise.

Fabio Calò


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The Conca d’Oro of Torbole

What I most appreciate about the Conca d’Oro are its comforts: wide parking lots, a soft meadow to relax on under the sun, the bar for a cold beer with friends and the entrance into the water with comfortable platforms.

Therefore the zone is very crowded all summer long and the mirror of water in front of the beach is very crowded. To find quieter conditions go upwind (south) for some hundred meters towards the small tunnel.

If you need to go further from the crowd you can, with just an upwind edge, cross the lake and reach the western shore to “Casa della Trota” where the landscape changes drastically and you can sail directly under the mighty vertical wall.

The wind increases strength, water flattens and the movement of waves become more regular… perfect conditions for a freestyle session!

Good wind everyone!

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