

Windsurf at Lake Garda

Where and when: the winds and the tips from the locals, the schools, the courses and the rentals

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Why is Lake Garda so famous?

Thanks to the constancy of its winds, Lake Garda is one of the most known resorts in Europe and around the world for wind sports. The two main winds, Ora and Pelér, change in intensity according to the area and time so you will find the right conditions suitable for your level and discipline. It means you can go windsurfing whenever and however you like.

You will find yourself windsurfing next to athletes such as Steven Van Broeckhoven, Antoine Albeau, Finian Maynard e Gollito who all come here to Garda to train during the season. Fabio Calò and Andrea Cucchi instead have been coming here since they were kids, and they now live here.

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Ora and Pelér: let’s know them better

The main winds of Lake Garda are two: Ora and Pelér.

The Pelér blows from north to south. It is the strongest wind that starts at dawn and blows until mid-morning. With an average of 25/25 knots the Pelér blows strongly in Malcesine and the spot is among the most popular on the Lake for morning blasting. Torbole instead, with its morning wind, is more suitable for beginners.

The Ora blows from south to north, replacing the Pelér late in the morning or early during the afternoon and lasts until the evening. With its medium-light intensity it is a wind suitable for beginners in Malcesine, but it increases heading north.

If you would like to know more, in this article we tell you everything about the winds of Lake Garda.

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The spots for freestyle and slalom on Lake Garda

We have chosen the spots for freestyle and slalom where you can go out in the morning and afternoon, based on the wind that you need to have fun. In the articles you find some tips about equipment and some suggestions by the locals.

If you are not yet able to windsurf or you want to improve, you can sign up in a test course, basic or advanced.

Foiling on Lake Garda

We asked Fabio Calò everything about foiling: how to learn, where to go out on Lake Garda, which equipment to use and what it is for him to surf with the foil. Enjoy reading it!

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Windsurf courses on Lake Garda

From the trial course to understand if you like it, to basic or advanced courses and private lessons to immediately reach your goal. There are also foiling courses to fly over the water.

Windsurf schools on Lake Garda

Get followed by windsurfing professionals. Discover courses, rentals and kit storage in windsurfing schools on Lake Garda.

Accommodation for windsurfers

Wetsuit drying area, windsurf storage and weather forecast? Find out where to sleep on Lake Garda and what services are designed for you.

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